Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Week 6 Studio Class
He's presentation explored the psychology of teams and groups and how they function. Tom gave us comparisions to past psychologists social psychology experiments to the its relation of the everyday environment, in particular in reference to the workplace.
He illustrated that group collaboration has their advantages as well as their disadvantages.
Group decision making and the process for efficient team work is fundamental to the outcomes we wish to achieve in this course and Tom Denson gave us a glimpse of what part of that is influenced by human psychology.
Team Urban were quiet intrigued by our guest lecture today who spoke about the psychology of working in groups. It was great how he made sense of simple activities that we as a group can be aware of. After his presentation Jeremy explained that our wiki's need more work and collaboration.
As a group we conjured much need information about the stages each individual up to in order for our environment to come together. As a team we discussed the pros and cons of our environment and what the real reason was behind our choosing. The development of Hyde Park in London had been sorted out and experimented with. Reason being that our project was originally designed as a memorial for Newton. Newton is buried not far down the road from Hyde Park making this site significant. We then also goggled earth Regents Park also located in London and found quiet noteworthy similarities in where our model could be located. Our final decision is to use region’s Park.
Discussion took place at how and why and the way in which we could enhance our environment, with much need sketch up and 3ds help to create the surrounding cities. Sorting out the easiest most effective way to create the city was proposed and tutorials have been found to help support this. Textures are another important principle for our environment and can be supported through images sourced. Conversation regarding what we wanted to fill our environment with was thrown around we have agreed to look for native London trees and shrubs suggesting a more significant and spiritual aspect of the environment creating more realistic appropriate location. We are also going to search for natural plant life to mirror that seen in current day London parklands.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Team Meeting & Project Update
The surrounding landscape elements in Regents Park suit the Cenotaph more appropriately and certain concepts such as:
- A specified circular, flat plane already exists in the centre of Regents park fro the placement of our building
- This circular space is conveniently large enough to fit our model. We’ve measured an estimated the size using Google earth and our floor plans
- A lake contours around the west side of the building, accentuating a visual landscape at the top platforms of the Cenotaph. A much more defining water feature to our previous site
- The natural plant life around the site/park contrast with the large scale Cenotaph and outer cityscape
- The surrounding perimeter of buildings allows for a more urban look and also permits the viewing of these buildings inside of the Crysis skybox. The Hyde park buildings were so far and expanse that it was unable for viewing at the top of the Cenotaph
- The roads surrounding the park outline the boundaries of our site and accentuate the difference contrast from cityscape to parkland and memorial
All these factors pushed us to progress working on the new site. Gordon and Michael discussed what sort of changes had to be made and Gordon explained that the process would be an easy transition as we already know what to do. It’s just a matter of repeating the things we’ve learnt to this new site. We’ve got an existing map of the new park and the site is smaller to work with, hopefully enabling us to further detail and push for greater design.What need’s to be done now is researching natural environment models, completing the site, modeling the surrounding building and roads, finding tutorials to create lights inside of crisis and implementing our finished model into the environment inside of Crysis.
Project Progress
We have only a few pictures and 3 plan sections of Boullee's work of the Cenotaph and we hope to gather more information from UNSW library or other libraries to enable us to progress in our design.
On thursay 17/04/09 I investigated to see if i could locate more information in books of Boullee's work on the Cenotaph. I managed to borrow 2 books, 1 from UNSW library and 1 from COFA library:
Etienne-Louis Boullee 1728-1799 Theoretician of Revolutionary Architecture by Jean Marie Perouse de Maontclos
Boullee by
Unfortunately the book by Perouse de Maontclos was all in French, but luckily my Dad is fluent and so was able to help out. Both books had some additional information and pictures of the Cenotaph but the information wasn't as plentiful as I had hoped. We're still pleased to have gathered some extra information of the Cenotaph as it will all help in understanding the architects original context of the project.
I was able to find 2 great pictures of the Cenotaph that someone had modelled in a program off the internet. The source didnt have any further information of the building but the pictures were great persepective shots, which helped myself and Jo work out some design problems in modelling it up in ArchiCAD.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Detail Lighting Feature
which is a significant icon of the whole design.
Here are some captures of the lighting feature model, which built in 3Ds Max.

The experiment of how the ring would spin around the sphere,
was not done in Crysis yet
as there are still some technical problems that we need to resolve first.
However, A demo video of showing the movement of the ring
was done in 3Ds Max, which give us a conceptual idea of what it would looks like.
Here is the video.
Team Fabrication
Our team has proposed a Fabrication Plan. This plan has been developed from our previous draft fabrication assignment and from the goals and outcomes we hope to achieve.
Using comments from our first presentation and the strengths and weaknesses produced from our whole class, we've based this plan on what will be developed during the rest of this assignment and how we will tackle each task.
Expected Level of Resolution
- site/terrain
- site research
- materails/textures
- natural plant life
- lighting
- surrounding buildings
- roads and perimeter fencing
- water feature
- structure completed (archicad)
- interior floors and spaces (3dmax)
- materials/textures (3dmax)
- natural plant life on top platforms of model (3dmax)
- lighting - natural and artificial (3dmax)
- light feature (3dmax)
- spawn point
- sounds and lighting
- functionality
Individual Tasks
- Design Archicad model with Joanne
- Manager and sole contributor to team blog
- Texture in Crysis
- Import from 3dsmax to Crysis
- Create light fixture components in Crysis
- Manage and organise team
- Crysis modelling (various components eg. mini dome, platforms, etc)
- Develop Crysis surrounding buildings
- Make video 2 with Pui Pui
- Sourcing jpegs to use as custom materials
- Converting jpegs to use as custom materials
- Create archicad model
- work out a way to punch holes in dome
- work on presentation plan
- make powerpoint presentation
- make video 1
- make site map using google maps and height maps
- source and import vegetation
- create sounds and lighting in Crysis
- making terrain in Crysis
- Construct surrounding buildings using google sketchup, then importing into Crysis
- importing the completed model into the environment
- creating roads and perimeter
Pui Pui:
- Create light fixture in 3dsmax
- Create whole model in 3dsmax
- Making video 2 with Michael
- Assist Michael texture in Crysis
- Assist in creating trees
- Sourcing jpegs to use as custom materials
Timeline and Schedule of Work Outcomes
Team Urbans has outlined a proposed timeline and scheduled tasks. Tasks are delegated to each memeber of the group and a specified timeframe for their tasks are needed for further development of the project.
By week 6:
- we should have the archicad model ready and complete
- A solid start on surrounding buildings and sourced vegetation
- learn how to export from 3dsmax to Crysis succesfully
- pinpoint a map to develop a correct and detailed site
By week 7:
- Export whole model to Crysis
- Start texture of model
- Developing the environment to stage near completion
- Start collecting images and information for presentation
- learn how to use custom textures
- create the surrounding buildings
By week 8:
- Model and Crysis environment complete with all textures and lighting
- Finish developing vegetation and natural environment
- Lighting inside of building exactly how we want, to fully illustrate night sky
- Frap videos so we can make 2 videos
- Update team blog
- Finish and practice presentation
- Write 600 word final fabrication
Team Meeting
We all came to the meeting with completed tasks we had set out for each other in the previous studio class.
Team Urbans Strengths & Weaknesses
- Strong ideas for further development of our environment. We've decided to implement an environment using a central business like district and a park land like Hyde park. At the moment we've used several google map images stitched together thats been planted on our terrain to give it a large expansive environment for the building to make its impact. Looks quite good at the moment, but when surrounding buildings and other city components are added the site should look quite impressive.
- Main structure of the building is complete. The design is very simple and with our overall structure done, modifications and further progress in creating internal spaces and design materiality can be focused on in the subsequent stages.
- Had some problems developing our model. Recently found more existing drawings of the building, so further editing of our model has to be developed.
- Using archicad and importing from 3dsmax to Crysis limited the aesthetic look of the building. More polygons and editing with solids in crysis will make the main dome/sphere attractive. At the moment, the building is still very basic and block-like.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Strengths and Weaknesses of the other Teams
Nice choice of unbuilt architecture, has lots of possibilities to explore in Crysis.
The concept of under water can be developed further with less technical problems in it. Great progress so far using a virtual world like Crysis.
Webbed structure could be developed, improve its aethetic look by making it more smooth.
The rooms underwater look a bit dark, so the lighting of sun light might be considered further. Refelctive water shadows can be seen internal where they shouldnt. A bug that could be fixed.
Team Digilism
Nice draft landscape which allows people to appreciate the interactive environment and the building itself.
The structure of model is well constructed and expressed a clear concept.
The model could have more detail (interior, facade etc.)
The function and interior of building would be a big challenge, a consideration thats needs careful planning.
Team E-volve
Simple but interesting unbuilt architecture. Great terrain, a well worked design that complements the model.
The material "water in the well" is really nice.
The function of the rooms in the model should be considered, as the repetition of space may be boring and stale.
Unclear of the purpose and use of the building. Is it a hotel? How would people get there?
How would I know where the entrance is?
Team Omega
Excellent detailed model, every part of the model is well constructed and it doesn't looks like a draft model. lol
The materials of the model are really good and realistic; the landscape and the environment are also implemented. Artificial Intellengience is also evident. Great progress.
Possibly having more than one building may detract from an individual buildings impact.
Textures on surrounding buildings at the moment are transparent black. They will have to be as significant as their own models textures for the whole environment to be cohesive.
Team Orange
The glowing white reflective material is looking good, very eye pleasing and creates an impact on first impressions.
Nice curves of the model which bring out the concept. Looks like it was very difficult in modelling, but when asked you guys siad the process was quite simple.
The interior of the model would be dififcult to model, as it hasn't got any levels or floors.
The landscape could be developed further to match with this outstanding building, perhaps it doesn't need to be a flat terrian with grass and trees. But perhaps and large cityscape.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Assignment One
Through intensive research, team urban had only rough plans of the original structure. The various sources detailed a plan view, a section and what looked to be a front elevation of design. Getting the height of the building as close to scale was essential as the focal from of the design is a large dome or sphere. By calculated estimations we were able to achieve close dimension to what the original architect had designed. Scanned and scaled images were intensively used to overlap over ArchiCad plan drawings to achieve structural dimensions.
Initial stages of the project involved using drawings from books and very crude Internet plans of the design and creating them in ArchiCad. Once this the diameter of the sphere was found the 3d image could begin. Using the roof tool in ArchiCad a conceptual design was established. This worked well for the top half of the sphere but the reverse needed use a variety of different tools and techniques. In short the bottom half of the sphere was mirrored from the top half and its properties changed to invert its origins. This was achieved by simply putting negative displacement numbers in its attributes. Once the sphere had been formed the outer wall layers were positioned and floor levels were created. The overall building form was slowly put together using ArchiCad but the interiors were yet to be fully investigated as no plans existed yet for internal spaces. We will examine this further as the project continues.
Once the general form of the design was created we exported this into 3dsmax and manipulated the form further. Once we were satisfied with the design we grouped it as a whole component and using a Crysis SDK plug-in for 3dsmax, we then proceeded to export into the prepared terrain in CryEngine.
After researching the background of the project, it was discovered that little is known about Boullée's intentions for location. However, the subject of the building allowed the narrowing down of a suitable context. After his death Sir Issac Newton was buried in Westminster Abbey in London, where he still remains. Taking London as the base location, the project required a site that would be able to accommodate the 300m/sq cenotaph. After looking through google earth it became apparent that the area that is Hyde Park and neighbouring Kensington Gardens would be the most suitable location with enough space to place the building. Upon selecting that location, a high resolution texture map was created of a 2084m x 2084m area centered on the site using images stitched together after being taken from google earth. A base terrain was created in Sandbox 2 and was textured using this texture map. By exporting the terrain from google earth into Sketchup a contour map was created by taking sections through the terrain. This assisted in modifying the terrain so that it reflected the real topography and in the placement of some of the major roads, paths, trees and buildings. Once the draft environment was ready the 3ds model was imported and placed.
Now that the draft environment has been put together it has allowed the team to see where the potential sticking points are in the modeling and associated work-flows are. The map itself appears bare until the perimeter buildings are added, which in turn are hard to place an manipulate in SandBox. This most likely calls for them to be modeled outside SandBox and imported. Trying to model the terrain accurately in SandBox can be a little tricky. Exploring the possibility of a height map might help. Accurate placement of roads and paths is also an issue. Creating a highdetail guide which can be placed as a texture map might also be considered.