Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Week 1 Studio Class

As class we were introduced to the course as a hole and what it was we were to achieve throughout the semester…. we were introduced to our major challenge that being the virtual program we were to participate in and be pros at by the end of this course.
We were given a short and brief sepal about the proposed assignments and ideas we could explore to achieve the almighty HD… Which I’m sure will be bounced out through this semester.. So with the question answered an many more to be… The hat went around so that groups or as i like it teams could be picked…
Teams of Four were made and here we spent the next fifteen minutes getting to know each other and exchanging email address we were a team from all over Australia literally.. Welcome… Rebecca, Michael, Gorden and me Joanne. We were then left to put our thinking caps on and come up with the ever so important…. Team name… I knight you The Team Urban’s… and that is how we begun…..
Our next step this lesson was to work through the small tutorials with some team power we worked through…………we spent some what of time creating a new blog account and setting this up so all team members could access….
Overall team Urban’s are made of strong players and a well round group that will bring to the team vital information and support.. Good luck guys…
Signing off
Team Urban’s.

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